Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wedding Abangku

The Bride and Groom plus their sidekicks

The wedding ceremony was held on Saturday, 29th March 2008 at St. John, Tuaran. As I always attend to any wedding ceremonies, this one is no more special than others. The special moment was to see your eldest brother tied his life to the women he loves. It feels so different. It is not like the goosebump I always get when they were 'manja-manja' to each other. Euww... But of course the feel of responsibility to make sure their matrimony last forever. Yup, the siblings should also take part to make sure their married siblings to hold on to their oath.

freakin brother and me
My brother was given the handycam to take pictures around. But in the end, he seems not doing it well. So, my father took over. Actually, in my personal thought, it was no good to ask the family member to shoot the event of their own family. I am totally disagree if my face is not included in the film or the pictures. So do my brother.

Family members - me, mama, freakin brother

We sat at the front row at the church. I only aware that my sisters was no where in the front row when I see this pic. At the far right at the same row were my cousins. They were still small and cute too. Where are my sisters?

Second reading..
I was told to do the second reading at a very last minute. While I was sticking the golden decorations at my costume at almost midnight, my eldest brother called me. During that time, he was at the wife-to-be-but-of-course-at-this-moment-they-are-already-married residence.
" Helo mon."
" Ya. Apa barang?"
"Bisuk kau pembacaan kedua."
And that was it. I did the second reading. I think that I might have the quality of Sabah Boleh. Have you ever heard of the phrase?
" Bulih ba kalo kau...!"
I am sure it is weird.
Wedding Ceremony
The wedding event was blessed by Fr. Thomas. As you can see, there are two couples. But I dont know about the other couple. My Lovelymama said they have not announced their matrimony as what is required to be done few weeks before the real date. My Lovelymama said they 'main terjun' without preparation. But luckily they were given the blessing ceremony.

Im not there [ freakin family]
This is the whole family. Now I can see my sisters. Guess where am I? I hope I will always stand tall behind my Lovelymama despite of our lack of relationship. More of that, this is the only pic the family took together but at least people can see my eyebrows. I know they are cute.

Host - George Lian

After the wedding blessing ceremony at the church, we went to the 'kenduri' place. The 'kenduri' was held in the village's hall. The reason is that the wife-merankap-kakak-ipar's house did not has enough space to occupy many people. Her house is at the top of steep hill. Just imagine this, 200 people climbed the Mt. Kinabalu, and reached to the highest peak of Low's Peak, then 200 people stand at the top at one time. Can you tell what happen next? I am sure they will make it into the Guiness World of Record. Haha. Breaking a new record [ ideaRaymondJ ], and some people might fall of course.

The host for this 'kenduri' was George Lian, an old timer singer in Sabah. This was the second time I saw him hosting a 'kenduri kawen'. Not so disappointing yet can be improve. After the 'makan-makan', the athmosphere became hot and people started to dance. It was a moment you could tell who is my relatives or not. Most people on the dance floor were mine. So weird...

Dusun Lotud Custome

See their smile? I am too very happy to be part of this family. To my kakak-ipar-merangkap-isteri-abangku-yang-comel, semoga terus bahagia bersama dengan keluargaku yang pelik2 ini.

Selamat Pengantin Baru.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Drama kemenangan (part i)

Mimpi itu misteri
penipu dan penuh pembohongan
namun juga mencetus pengharapan
maukah kau mengubah dunia?
mampukah kau mengubah dunia?

Mimpi itu misteri

kau boleh melayang

dan membuat semua berhasil

baik atau ngeri

Mimpi itu misteri

serupa penari dalam jubah hitam

menari tanpa lenggok

dan tujuan

membuatkanmu keliru antara realiti dan fantasi

Mimpi itu misteri

Ia datang dan pergi

dalam sedar dan tidak sedarmu

maukah kau mengubah dunia?

mampukah kau mengubah dunia?

[ciptaan RaymondJ]

Suasana menjadi sunyi tatkala malam menjelma. Ketika itu jam menunjukkan jam 8.30 malam. Kelihatan Remon sedang tidur kerana keletihan hari ini. Teman sebiliknya Haza sedang mengulangkaji pelajaran. Namun tiada siapa yang tahu apa yang sebenarnya berlaku dalam mimpi Remon. Sesuatu yang mengerikan.

" Arggh!" Suasana hening dipecahkan oleh Remon. Dia terjaga dari mimpi paling buruk yang dialaminya. Dia bermimpi semua rakan-rakan termasuk dirinya sendiri akan menjadi korban dalam sebuah kemalangan. " Benar, semua akan mati!", jelasnya kepada Haza dengan nafas yang tidak cukup. "Saya tidak berbohong, benar semua akan mati!'', jelasnya berkali-kali kepada teman sebiliknya itu. " Kita semua bersama dalam lawatan, dan semua akan mati!", tegasnya lagi.

Dia kelihatan bingung dan tidak tenteram.

Haza tidak bersetuju. " Remon oh Remon, itu semua hanyalah mainan mimpi la. Semua perkara pun boleh berlaku. Jangan pikir sangat la tu. Lekas bersiap. Kita ada kelas lepas ni.", kata Haza sebelum keluar dari bilik. " Oit, pegi mandi la," katanya dari sebalik pintu lagi.

Di dalam kelas, suasana adalah sama seperti biasa. Pensyarah mengumumkan tarikh untuk mengadakan kuiz dan ujian. Pelajar mencatat setiap butiran sama seperti biasa. Kehidupan tipikal pelajar universiti. Hari yang bosan buat semua pelajar kecuali Remon. Mimpi yang dialami hari itu benar-benar menggigit pangkal hatinya.


Drama Kemenangan Rm200 (Part ii)

Mimpi yang di alami terbawa-bawa ke dalam kelas. Remon tidak dapat memberikan tumpuan ketika di dalam kelas. Semua perkara dalam fikirannya hanya satu. Dia mesti menyelamatkan semua orang.

Setelah selesai waktu kelas, pensyarah pula memberikan cadangan lawatan sebagai aktiviti sosial sebagai penutup semester itu. Memandangkan tidak banyak aktiviti yang telah dilakukan sepanjang semester itu, semua pelajar kelihatan sangat berminat untuk menyertai lawatan ini. Ketika itu, Remon sudah berdebar-debar.

Remon merasa sangat tidak tenteram memikirkan tentang lawatan yang di cadangkan oleh pensyarahnya itu. Semuanya serupa sama seperti apa yang telah dimimpikannya sebelum ini. Setiap perkataan itu sama. Destinasi lawatan juga sama. Dan yang mungkin menjadi kenyataan ialah kenderaan yang akan mereka naiki akan terbalik dan menyebabkan semua terkorban. Dia sangat tidak tenteram.

Remon menemui Haza yang duduk di belakang kelas. "Haza, tolonglah! Kita semua akan mati! Kita jangan pergi! Kita batalkan saja!", sebutan setiap perkataan itu sangat bercelaru dan tidak jelas. Dia sangat tidak mahu melalui sama seperti apa yang terjadi dalam mimpinya. "Remon,
kita bercakap hal ini kemudian ok?", Haza cuba menenangkan Remon. Tetapi kali ini Remon tidak tahan, lalu dia menjerit sekuat hatinya. Dikeluarkan semua yang terpendam. Seluruh kelas tersentak, "Apa yang terjadi?". Remon mula menerangkan perihal mimpinya dan naluri 6ixth sense yang ada padanya. Dia sangat bersungguh-sungguh.

Seluruh kelas mentertawakan niat suci yang ditunjukkan oleh Remon. Tiada sesiapa yang cuba percaya akan kata-kata seorang lelaki yang cuba menyelamatkan rakan-rakannya. " Aiseh, kalau kita pergi ke lawatan tu, pasti seronok woo..", seloroh Adan sambil disambut gelak ketawa kelasnya. " Banyak awek ooo", sambungya lagi. Jang si pemarah yang dari tadi melihat, akhirnya sudah tidak tahan dan melaungkan perkataan-perkataan yang menyakitkan hati Remon. " Kamu ni bodoh Remon! Memang lelaki dayus tak guna!", jerit Jang sambil menggenggam penumbuk.

Remon terasa tercabar kerana pendapatnya dipermainkan. Dia mula menjadi ganas dan cuba menyerang Jang. "Benar! Jika kita semua pergi ke lawatan itu, kita semua akan mati! Bas akan terbalik dan dan perkara yang tinggal hanyalah memori buruk! Kamu semua cuba dengar!!", jerit Remon sambil cuba melepasi Syukri dan Adan. Suasana menjadi sangat kelam kabut.

Jang tidak bersetuju dengan kewujudan naluri 6ixth sense. " Itu semua pembohongan! Tipu! Hanya orang bodoh sahaja yang akan percaya dengan kata-kata karutmu itu!" Jang menjerit sekuat hati lalu bergegas keluar dari kelas. Hatinya masih panas. Dia tidak menyangka kewujudan kekarutan yang di ungkit Remon.

Selepas semua orang beredar sambil menggelengkan kepala kerana tidak percaya dengan ketaksuban seorang manusia kepada 6ixth sense, Haza sebagai teman sebilik datang mententeramkan Remon. " Kamu ok?", Haza bertanya dengan suaranya yang sedikit melegakan. " Saya tidak mampu menahan semua sebak dan kekalutan ini Haza. Sy sangat bingung!'' rintih Remon. "Saya faham. Tapi saya kena pergi ke kelas sekarang. Kalau kamu ada apa-apa masalah, beritahu saya ok?", katanya sebelum beredar pergi.

Suasana menjadi sangat sepi. Yang berbunyi hanyalah kekalutan. Kekalutan tentang dunia. Kekalutan tentang rakan-rakan. Kekalutan atas kejadian yang tidak pasti. Sangat kusut. Semuanya tidak kabur, tetapi sangat kusut.

Dalam kekalutan fikiran, dia dengan pantas mengeluarkan pil yang tersimpan di dalam poket bajunya. Dan dengan pantas dia menelan semua pil itu. Dia sudah sangat tidak berupaya memilih untuk hidup. Semua yang terjadi membuatkan dia sangat bercelaru.

Dia terjatuh ke lantai dalam usaha memuntahkan semua pil-pil itu. Namun dia sudah dilumpuhkan. Dengan pantas kesan itu merebak ke seluruh badannya. Dia mengelupur kesakitan.

Di atas lantai dia berbaring, menghela nafas-nafas terakhir. Nampaknya kesan pil yang ditelan dengan pantas melumpuhkan saraf dan keupayaannya. Dalam saat-saat nazak itu dia memohon maaf kepada semua. Dia sudah tidak mampu menangani ini semua. "Ampunkan daku sayang..." Dadanya tidak lagi bergerak. Semuanya sudah berakhir..

Surat yg di tulis oleh si raymond sebelum membunuh diri. Akhirnya telah memilih untuk meninggalkan dunia kerana tidak tahan dengan kebolehan 6ixth sense itu. [ banyak salah grammar, berabis kata sy ni estupido. orang laen tulis, ciss... ]

Kami berjaya mendapat tempat ke 2 dalam drama ni. Sy pula dapat anugerah khas Pelakon Terbaik. Cehh..untung la dpt RM 50.

Kenangan bersama kelas BMM ( Bachelor Mechanical Engineering).

Apa tafsiran Leonardo Da Vinci?

The Last Supper

Dalam lukisan2 yang banyak dihasilkan, Leonardo Da Vinci telah menyampaikan banyak mesej yg tersembunyi tetapi tidak dapat ditafsirkan dengan betul oleh orang2 pada abad ini. Kita mengatakan bahawa dia sangat bijak kerana memiliki kebolehan dalam banyak perkara terutama dalam hal2 yang berkaitan seni, imaginasi dan kreativiti.


Dalam lukisan karya Monalisa pula, lukisan ini menunjukkan sifat misteri si wanita dalam gambar itu. Lihat sahaja gaya senyumannya yang tidak dapat ditafsir, samada dia sedang senyum atau tidak. Telah banyak tafsiran yang cuba disampaikan oleh generasi moden pada ketika ini yang kemungkinan benar atau tidak. Jadi kemungkinan jika si Leonardo masih hidup, dia pasti mengungkai banyak misteri yang aneh dan pelik2. Sy cuma mau dia tafsir satu gambar untuk saya sahaja. yang di bawah ini.

Cuba teka?
Sy cuma mau tau apa tafsiran senyuman lelaki yang dalam gambar diatas tu kalau menurut si Leonardo. Sy rasa lelaki dalam gambar itu senyum gumbira owh..tenguk lama2 buat saya seram pula. HAHA..

Friday, April 18, 2008

Membuat Keputusan!


Ini la kali pertama sy menghadapi situasi yang pelik macam ni. Pada hari sabtu bersamaan 26 april, sy seharusnya menghadiri majlis perkahwinan kakak saya. Sy mau menyertai hari yang penuh bermakna ini, bermula dari pemberkatan di gereja sehinggalah majlis makan2 di rumah selesai sebelah malamnya. Bermaksud, saya mau terlibat secara langsung dalam kebahagiaan kakak saya, dan sebagai sokongan kami adik beradik kepada dia ni yang manis rupawan.

Pada tanggal 25 april, saya akan membuat presentation untuk final year project yang sangat menyakitkan hati ini. Dan saya akan membuat presentation itu pada sebelah petang! Jadi, masalah sekarang yang timbul ialah,

  1. Saya masih berada di Kuantan pada sebelah petang 25 april.

  2. Saya harus berada di Tuaran pada sebelah pagi 26 april.

Selepas menghabiskan presentation pada 25 april, sy cuma ada masa sepanjang malam untuk perjalananku.

Untuk meninggalkan kuantan, saya cuma ada dua pilihan iaitu menaiki pesawat MAS atau menaiki bas. Menurut laman web MAS yang sempat ku tengok sebentar tadi, pada 25 april, suma tiket telah sold out!!

Benda2 macam ni la yang selalu menjadi mimpi buruk kepada banyak orang, iaitu tidak dapat menyertai aktiviti khas dan istimewa dengan orang2 yang tersayang.

Sekarang yang tinggal hanyalah pilihan untuk menaiki bas dari kuantan ke kuala lumpur. Tapi setakat ni, saya belum sempat lagi untuk melihat peluang menaiki bas. Belum beli tiket belum tengok tiket dan segala.

Bagaimana pula saya membuat keputusan untuk pulang ke Kota Kinabalu dari Kuala Lumpur? Saya cuba merujuk kepada kedua2 penerbangan yang ada iaitu MAS dan AirAsia. Saya tau bahawa perjalanan menaiki bas mengambil masa sehingga 4 jam dan itu memberi saya kurang pilihan untuk pemilihan jalan saya yang seterusnya.

Naik MAS ka atau AirAsia?

Yang menjadi pening kepala lagi ni ialah perjalanan ku dari tempat bas berhenti ke airport. kalo saya naik bas dari Kuantan, saya akan berhenti di Pekeliling atau Pudu pada pagi hari yang sangat hening. So, how in the world saya boleh gerak dari tempat2 tersebut ke airport pada jam yang sudah hening itu?

Sy andaikan macam ni lah.

Kalo sy ambil penerbangan paling awal guna MAS, saya akan sampai di Kota Kinabalu pada 6.35 pagi. At least, saya ada banyak masa untuk bersiap sedia dan segala.

Kalo sy ambil AirAsia paling awal pula, sy boleh sampai jam 9.20 pagi.

Ini bermaksud, lebih baik saya ambil yang MAS tu kan. Namun, bagaimana saya dapat bergerak dari perhentian bas ke KLIA? Berapa tambang teksi/bas/ kenderaan lain2 yang beroperasi pada awal pagi subuh itu? Walaupun duit bukan masalah sangat, tapi bgerak dalam keadaan begitu buat saya seram. Seram dengan orang jahat.

Muka jahat yang menakutkan.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Screen of Death

What da freak?

Both of my high technology device were attacked by the famous Screen of Death!

I just can't handle it.

My computer was attacked by the famous Blue Screen of Death.

While my Sony Ericsson was attacked by the ruthless White Screen of Death.

I tried to restart them continously like crazy, and they keep on showing their faces of death!

I found out the solution for the computer error is to reformat it. Take that! Everything is gone.

I dont know yet what to do with the SonyE. It still working but seems like it 'giving it best' to operate. Maybe it is something like 'sawan babi', which is attacking when you are not ready.Might have to buy a new brand one. Money money money...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Day

Thursday, 27 March:

8.00 am

I woke up this morning at 7.45 to catch up my bus to KL. The bus will actually depart from Kuantan at 8.30 morning. So, its mean that i have some time to prepare myself for the whole day journey. To be exact, I bought the AirAsia ticket the other day, for two-way-four-days-trip to Sabah. The whole main idea is that I have to attend my big brothers' wedding on the saturday. Yup. The first wedding in our family which I can say, something big and important for all the siblings to attend to. At this point, I can confirm my status already changed from 'belia' to 'beliau'. The bride already can be me, despite for being young and dangerous at whole time. I am old enough to get my own matrimony.

I looked out through the window to the parking section in front of our house, deciding whether to walk or use the bicycle. It is already 8.15 am. Keeping in mind that I will take around 15 minutes if I walk to the bus station in front of my varsity,then I decided to use the bicycle. The bicycle I used was neither mine nor my housemates. My bicycle was stolen when I was out few days back. My roomates' bicycle also has the same fate as mine, only the fact his bicycle went missing few days earlier than mine. So whose bicycle I was riding? If I am not mistaken, my roomate took this bicycle as the exchange when he found out his bicycle was not around. Great deal.

8.45 am

Lucky me. The bus was not yet passed our varsity. I am getting nervous when the bus is not showing up for at least 10 minutes since I get there. What a relief it is finally here,in his purple painted with Bulan Restu name at his side. Sitting on my lucky number 22 seat, I recalled my funny experiences during my earlier days as an incompetent bus rider. One tragedy I can remember was during the time when we were on our trip to KL. Seven of us, left by the bus because we were late to present ourselves at the station. Solution: we issued new ticket so that we can ride the next bus. The second tragedy, is when three of us were late to catch the bus. Solution: We also issued new tickets. I learned a lot by these tragedies. First, never issue the Transnasional ticket because the bus will pass the varsity around 8.20 and second, try to beat the clock laa..

11.05 am

We stopped somewhere in the middle earth. I simply dont know the place.

12.20 pm

I finally arrived in Pekeliling. You know what it is like to have everything has been planned, and all the thing you have to done is the execution part. My plan is simply step-by-step as below:

1) Stop at Pekeliling.

2) Take the KL Monorel( i just found out this name).

3) Go straight to KL Sentral.

4) Take the SkyBus( bus to LCCT, the AirAsia airport)

5) Check-in

I done everything right, except that I went to Times Square something I never planned. I stepped into a bookstore (Borders is the name) and bought a #1 national bestseller book ( as it mentioned it self) "Trump: The Art of The Deal". I lingered myself for hours there and amused myself at the foreign section. At least I spent something in the bookstore. Rm32.90 was the cost.

2.20 pm

I walked out the building. Caught the next monorel and went straight to KL Sentral. To be honest, this is the second time I use the bus service to LCCT. Most of my flight actually using the Malaysian Airlines System which available from Kuantan to Kuala Lumpur transit to Kota Kinabalu. Flying in different company means that you have to learn their own track.

For AirAsia passenger:

1) The easiest way is to take a bus from KL sentral, the SkyBus to be exact.

2) This bus will directly send you to LCCT.

3) Do the same thing backward if you landed on LCCT.

For MAS passenger:

1) Take a flight from your city to KLIA or go to KL Sentral take the *what* transport pay *rm36* or bus or taxi. I dont know other transport.

2) You will arrive in KLIA.

As a note, LCCT and KLIA is not the same airport. It is a different hub, whereby the KLIA is luxurios looking airport and comfortable too while the LCCT is simple and packed with people from around the country.

3.45 pm

I arrived here in LCCT after the one hour fifteen minutes journey. I slept at all times because the aircond feels so good and I was already tired and sleepy. Standing outside and making myself comfortable to the air,I watched the ocean of peoples in this airport. It is like an endless flow. One goes in, one goes out. More goes in, more goes out. I am sure this guy who founded the AirAsia company is making a big fortune here. *sigh* Tony Fernandez is making a total profit.

4.00 pm

I walked back and forth the building to find a spot for me to rest. It is simply packed. Everywhere was occupied. I read every signboard there and finally spotted a good phrase there,"More seats is availabe at the Arrival hall" with an arrow showing the other part of the building. With no second thoughts, I went there.

6.00 pm

I was still sitting there watching hundreds of passenger whom safely landed on earth again. While I was there, I tried to consume the words from the book I just bought and managed to finish the second chapter. At that moment, I knew I was already starving. Time for dinner. I take a walk to McDonald fastfood restaurant and ordered menu number 4. As I said before, there was simply no place to put your ass down. I saw a guy having his meal alone at the corner, and I joined him.

"Hi. Bole saya duduk sini?"

"Hi. Bole bole silakan."

I think this guy is a Malay, around his 27th.

"Awak ni orang mana?"

"Owh, saya ni orang sabah."

"Masih study ke? Kat mane?"

Then I explained I am a student of UMP as an final year student. He even try to guest that I am from varsity Perlis.

"Hoho. Bukanlah. Dari Pahang sebenarnya. Yang tu UNIMAP."

And we both laughed. I think he is friendly. I asked where does he live. He told me that he is actually from Subang. An uptown boy I guest. We talked more about himself. He is a student of becoming a pilot under the *what* company. I dont really remember. I asked so many things about becoming a pilot. It is something that sounds interesting to talk about. I ask about the eye thing. I ask about the height thing.

"Awak taknak jadi pilot ke?"


And we both laughed again. I just shaked my head and I sighed deep. We talked more about Sabah. We speak about the gunung kinabalu. I love it when he admitted Sumandak sabah totally hot and pretty. waw...He himself has a Sabahan girlfriend, no wonder he tried to has the accent of a Sabahan when he talked to me. I watched the time, and it was already 7.00 pm. Alamak. We exchanged our details then I thanked him for giving me the chance to join him that afternoon. As I walked to the check in counter, I tried to recall his name. It is Razak. Or Razali. Or Ramli. Haha. Memory full cannot save name.

7.03 pm

"Sori encik, tapi saya memang tak dapat tolong"

That was the exact word from the guy at the check in counter. To be true, I was felling very very dumb because I already missed the flight. My flight was supposed to be at 7.30 pm. The national rule says that, every passenger should have checked in 45 minutes before their scheduled flight. And I missed it. Solution? I reissued the ticket for the next flight for rm335. Money money money...

9.30 pm

I checked in early. I lined up early. I entered the plane early. After the short safety brief and belt was fastened, we took off. There was nothing much I can do in the fly. I tried to read the air-hostess name tag, and managed to read the name of the hottest air-hostess. Her name is Wendy. She was pretty. She speaks Malay, English and Chinese too. I overheard a pakcik asking her details.

"saya orang Penampang la bah, mana lagi"

12.00 am

We landed safely at the airport. I was happy to be at different athmosphere again. Because Sabah smells good, I inhaled the air. I was waiting for my Lovelypapa to pick me home. He said to wait another 30 minutes. And I waited.

1.00 am

"Mana kau?"

"Di airport entah mana ni, nda tau"

"Owh, ko sana terminal 2 tu"

"Yala kali"

"Kami sini terminal 1 ba ni, kami datang ambil kau sekarang"


Can you imagine? Two different terminals using two different hubs. Everyone have to get use over this matter. So confusing.

1.05 am

They arrived and picked me up. We hit the main road and headed to have supper somewhere in *what name* place. I ordered Mee goreng and Jus Tembikai( gelas besar maybe 1L). I managed to finish everything. After a burp, we hit the road again.

2.50 am

We arrived home safely despite of that my Lovelypapa was already fell asleep on the road and my brother took over the responsiblity to drive us home.

What a day..